Sunday, 30 October 2011


Hey everyone!

Happy (early) Halloween!!! So I know that Halloween is tomorrow and many people (like myself) wait until last minute to come up with a costume, so to help you last minute people I am going to give you some ideas on what to dress up as!!

Celebrities love this time of year because they love being creative with their costume however you need to make sure that when you put your costume together you are being appropriate. When planning a costume you need to think of where you are going, your age (what is appropriate and what is not) and your morals. Costumes honestly do not have to cost an arm and a leg, you can make one with items you already own in your closet (At the end of the post I will give you a perfect costume idea)

This past week I was looking at past celebrity costumes and it was quite shocking to see what some people will wear! Here are some cool costumes and some real question marks.

Honestly I love Heidi Klum and her personality, she does not have to dress sexy to feel good about herself, and her Halloween costume speaks to that statement. Although I personally wear that costume I love how it shows here creative personality and she is a mother so she does need to watch out for what she wears because of the press and media. However this costume is a for sure thumbs up!!! GOOD JOB HEIDI!

SUPERHERO's in DA building!!!! @kimkardashian
When I saw this costume that Kim K. wore yesterday for her Halloween party I was so jealous I have never thought about it! Kim and Jonathan Cheban really showed their 'comic' side and its both sexy and festive. L-O-V-E it!!

Assholes in vegas at their finest this takes horrible to a new level! So I understand how made costumes...however I am pretty sure that is not what a cat wears! Does Snookie and her friend know that you actually have to dress up for Halloween? Thumbs DOWN!!!

Now that you saw some good and some bad Halloween costume here is a short video on how to make your own quick Halloween costume so you can save a few bucks this Halloween and look like this!!


Post your comments and what costumes you like as well as tips to your Halloween costume for tomorrow!! Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween!! Eat LOTS of chocolate!!


Saturday, 22 October 2011

10 things you HAVE to know before you go out

Hello Everyone,
With all the Lindsay Lohans, Brittney Spears, and Miley Cyrus’s in the news I would like to discuss the “To Do List” for when you are going out for a night on the town. Now I chose this because I am studying Public Relations and I hope to be involved with the communication side of a company. After hearing over and over again about celebrities and their extravagant nights on the town I think it is time to discuss what is “really” appropriate so you don’t accidently replicate any of their actions, because in reality we are not on the Jersey Shore!
1. Underwear is IMPORTANT! There is no way that someone can forget to put one the most important items of clothing on, unless you are 2 years old you have no excuse.
2. If you just broke up DO NOT bring your cell phone! Everyone likes to say they are over the other person until you get a couple tequila shots in you and then everything spills and you make a complete idiot of yourself which then hits every TV station and news stand. Or in your case the dreaded…FACEBOOK!
3. Know your limit! Do not drink everything that is given to you at a bar, because that will then equal really unflattering pictures and poor decisions, try and drink water every so often.
4. Shoes shouldn’t kill you! Yes, I know that those new Jimmy Choo shoes are amazing, but you have to walk in them all night to, and after a few drinks that walking will turn into stumbling which will then turn into a face plant.

5. What happens in Vegas does NOT stay in Vegas! For people to think that if you are going to a different country or city different rules apply, you are just living in a dream! Unfortunately pictures do surface as well as one-night stands and Vegas marriages. When you go out act like people are watching so you do not make any regrettable mistakes.

6. Dress Sexy but Classy! When you go out you want to look like yourself but a better more polished version of yourself so make sure that your outfit is appropriate. Most importantly make sure you outfits stays in the right places and you don’t have any “slips” (See rule #1)

7. Leave with who you came with! This is very important, you want to wake up and think about the great night you just had not the ‘mistake’ you just made. Make a pact with your friends that no matter how persuasive or intoxicated you may be, you will all go home together.

8. Floors are for dancing on, not tables! I know that it is more exciting to dance on a surface that is different from everyone else however not only do you look crazy but if the table breaks you will hurt yourself which could lead you to the hospital.

9. Fight free Night! It is so common for celebrities to get into fight at clubs and bars, everyone has been involved either directly or indirectly with this drama. When people drink excessively they become more vulnerable, in this state you become threatened really easily. If someone says something you don’t like or looks at you weird leave it alone, you will be causing unnecessary drama for yourself and the people you are with and you will save your night and possibly your face.

10.Have FUN! Last but certainly not least the most important rule is have fun, you only live once so live your life to the fullest and dance like no one else is watching ( but not to crazy or inappropriate, people do have cameras) Socializing is a great way to let loose and be yourself so just have fun!

“The way I see it, you should live everyday like it's your birthday” – Paris Hilton (Spoken like a true scholar)

I hope everyone enjoys my rules/ tips to have a safe and amazing night, what are your tips or rules!

Talk to you soon!!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

50 First Hacks

Hey Everyone,
Now I know many of you are much like myself and are very involved with your technology; you live, sleep and breathe right next to that small device called a blackberry.  The real question is, how personal do you get on your (supposed to be) personal devices, would you be willing to put information on your phones or computers that would devastate you if they were ever to surface. I honestly believe you should not involve yourself, or even have any incriminating information/ pictures on anything that can be hacked and/or seen by other people. Especially if this information can cost your job or reputation, which is what has happen to most of the Female A-List Celebrities in Hollywood.
I do not blame them for being really angry and upset that some strange man hacked into their personal and posted the pictures on the internet. What you do in your own time is no one’s business but your own, however we live in a world where everyone cares too much about what other people which becomes very intrusive.  Christopher Chaney, a 35 year old man was this intruder and was able to expose some explicit pictures of Scarlett Johansson , Christina Aguilera and many more ( by many more I mean he hacked 50 starlets in total) ; unfortunately for him his 15 minutes of fame will soon be coming to an end as he may have to go to jail for a very long time.  Not only did he find this information for his personal needs but he gave some information and pictures to popular blogs, no word on whether he was paid or not. I found an article through ‘Digg’ that actually explains this investigation and how this Man is going to be charged 121 years for cyber sex crimes. Personally I was not aware that you could charge someone for this type of crime but after thinking it definitely does make sense because it is an invasion of privacy and people that think ‘hacking’ is cool should know that there will be severe punishments.
It is really unnerving to think that in people’s spare time they hack into your personal files just because they are curious about your lifestyle. A question that I would like to ask people is: Do you have information or pictures on any personal device that you would not want someone to find, and if so do you think about the possibility of someone hacking into it. I would love you hear your comments about this crime and the man that is behind the “hacks”.

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Good Evening,

I hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving weekend, I know I am!  After relaxing all day watching football with the family I thought about how I would be able to integrate this blogging assignment into my topic. Since my blogs are about Celebrities and the gossip that helps keep them in the spot light I would like to focus on the gossip sites and the magazines; and measure how involved people are into these mediums.

First of all I don't know if everyone knows this but this is a million dollar industry (and that's being polite its probably worth a lot more), however since the majority of people rely on the internet for their information it would be interesting to see how many people use the internet compared to magazines. To see which source can grab more viewers you will have to be able to track how many people are visiting your site on a daily basis (loyal visitors) and be able to find and generate data from the magazine subscriptions. To track loyal visitors you need to engage them and invite them to subscribe to your website such as facebook so you can keep with their information and target your audience depending on what they like. Unfortunately it is very difficult to get people to subscribe to something so you need to create an incentive, offer them free and fast information, ability to customize their interests etc. Getting peoples information and subscribed can help you learn how many times a day they interact with your page and if they follow you call to action. With magazines you can test how many people purchase your product by taking the information from magazine subscribers which are the people that are loyal, and the most important. Of course their will be people that buy magazines at news stands and grocery stores, but their are also people that visit websites randomly.

In this test we want to see the difference in loyalty and which resource is more popular "TMZ" or "The Star", you can even test against 'twitter' and 'facebook' by looking at the followers and the amount of people that interact on a weekly/monthly basis. This information is important to celebrities because it lets them know which medium is the most popular so when they want to raise their publicity they will make sure that medium receives exclusive information (which does happen quite often). Celebrities get paid quite a bit of money for an exclusive story/ or picture.
I personally do no subscribe to peoples pages, or websites however I am guilty of indulging in gossip magazines especially when I am in line at the grocery store or sitting at the hair dressers.
Happy Thanksgiving all :)


Sunday, 2 October 2011

My Blog Mentor

Good Evening All,

All week I have been thinking about my "blogger personality and style", and how important it is; I believe that it sets you aside from all the other bloggers in social media. You need to come up with a specific way of writing and speaking to your audience and maintain that voice to gain strong viewers who value your writing and opinion. Although my blogs are not as thought provoking as some others may be (I do speak on celebrities and their behavior not politics) I do want to maintain some consistency so people will know what to expect. I believe that my blogger personality includes:
1. Excitement- I want to be able to engage my viewers using different resources (pictures, video etc.)
2. Talk to them as a friend- I believe the best way to communicate with someone is talking to them as a friend and using language they can relate to.
3. Humor- Humor is very important, especially when speaking about a topic like this, people want to laugh (especially at other people) so if you provide them with this opportunity they will become loyal to your site.
4. First- Blogging about celebrities you NEED to be the first one on the scene, people want to know what is happening NOW, not what happen yesterday
5. Honest - Provide information that has something to back it up, making up rumors to get people to come to your blog will hurt you in the end because you will develop a poor reputation. In this industry reputation is very important because blogs are very competitive.
6. Communicate - I want to be able to stimulate communication between people, I want them to think about things in a different way and not just the way the media wants you to think.
7. Creative - Expressing views and information using other methods, as well as making interesting comparisons to engage my audience.

2 Blogs that I believe represent my views are:

1. I think everyone knows who this person is, he provides people with celebrity information but with a twist his motto is "celebrity juice, not from concentrate.." I think it is pretty clever and although his blogs are somewhat intrusive I do find his writing interesting and creative

2. Discusses celebrity gossip and information, similar format to Perez hilton, they are able to engage audiences and allow them to communicate their thoughts on the blog itself which makes it seem like a friend talking to another friend (more intimate than someone just reading an article, and not having a way of communicating their thoughts/interests)

Check out the websites and let me know what you think!!

Do you think Ashton Kutcher is cheating on Demi Moore? Let the Blogs develop your opinion.